Meet Tanner & Emily
A video message from Tanner & Emily
A Letter from Tanner & Emily
Hello from Nevada! We are a Jesus-following, fun-loving, active family of 4. We are so excited to grow our family through adoption! We are passionate about our faith and enjoy a variety of activities, whether that’s taking a walk, going to a movie, exploring the outdoors, or just lounging around the house. We have a great community of friends and are always ready to host friends and family.
About Us
We met at a Bible study during college and hit it off. About two years later, we co-led a youth mission trip to Guatemala and began dating soon after we returned. We quickly fell in love, got married, and the rest is history! Ever since we met, we both agreed that one day we wanted to adopt; the opportunity to provide a home for a sweet child is an opportunity we simply cannot pass up. We pray for this child every day and look forward to growing our family in this way.
We currently have two beautiful sons, Rhett (4) and Kohen (2.5), as well as three kid-loving pets—our dog Mocha and two cats Truffles and Wrigley.
Our family loves spending time together whether going to local parks, going on bike rides, doing a puzzle or game at home, weekly hikes, or just lounging around watching a movie together. It’s just fun to be together!
About Emily: by Tanner
Emily is very much a people person and enjoys creating relationships with others. She’s always had a caring heart and loves inviting others over for a meal, game night, or a conversation around the bonfire. You can often find Emily planning an event for friends, baking, cooking, playing board games, knitting, or going for an outdoor adventure. Emily has a huge heart for women and hosts a women’s Bible study every other week in our home. She has a desire to show love and support for all women in her life.
Emily was born to be a mom. She plays with, nurtures, and loves our two boys with her whole being. She forsook a career to step into her calling of full-time mom, and she embraces all of it—the beauty and the messes— with grace, laughter, and unconditional love. Emily looks forward to sharing her love for nature with our next child, taking them for walks, bikes rides, going swimming or hiking. She also will love to share her joy and optimism for the small everyday things in life with another child.
About Tanner: by Emily
Tanner is the best man and father I have ever known. He is honest, caring, hardworking, fun, and so much more. You can find Tanner playing softball and basketball with friends or trying out new adventures like learning to scuba dive, playing the guitar, or skiing on a cold winter day. Tanner is always up for a good time, I see that daily within our family. Tanner is always making our family laugh and brings so much joy into our home.
Tanner serves our country as a pilot in the Air Force, but that doesn’t stop him from being highly involved with our family. He loves investing in our children. Tanner will be the most incredible father to the child we are blessed with through adoption. I see him doing it daily already. Tanner is great at teaching our kids new skills and encouraging them to try new things whenever they get a chance. I know that he will be amazing at this with our next child, like teaching them to play guitar, ride a bike, or just everyday skills that need to be learned.
Our Boys and Family
Our boys, Rhett and Kohen, are such a joy in our lives! We talk to them about our adoption daily and know they will be wonderful brothers! We are excited to be able to grow our family through adoption and look forward to seeing the relationship that our boys will develop with their new sibling. Our boys are excited to be big helpers with a new sibling, sharing all their toys, and being the biggest cheer squad when it comes to baby rolling over, crawling, walking, or talking for the first time.
We are close with our extended families, and though we do not live in the same state, we see them several times a year. The more our family has grown, the more often our family seems to visit, so your child will not be lacking in family time! Both our families are very excited and supportive of our adoption journey, and they look forward to meeting this sweet baby when that time comes. There is a lot of love to go around, and loads of fun memories to be made.
Christmas is our favorite time to spend with our extended family as all the kids exchange gifts, play minute to win it games with each other, and enjoy a delicious homemade meal together. It’s always a special time that we look forward to each year.
Our Nevada Home
We have a two-story, 4-bedroom home in a family-friendly neighborhood. We have a large playroom and a nice-sized backyard with lots of space to run and play. We have many awesome parks within walking distance from our home. We love to let our kids be kids and encourage them to play and discover new things. We believe the home is where children learn and grow, and we try to create an environment where our children will be free to explore, learn, and pursue their passions.
Our Promise to You
Our promise to you is to provide the life your baby deserves. Love, joy, compassion, encouragement, understanding, forgiveness, and guidance are just a few of the many things we will give your child. We promise to pray with and for your child every day. You have been and will always be such a vital part in God’s plan for your baby, and we hope that our family can also be a part of that plan.
We look forward to providing your baby with many opportunities and experiences through exploring the outdoors, swimming, playing games together, going to the park, and slowing down to enjoy the little moments together.
If you would like to learn more about us, please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.
Learn More About Tanner & Emily
Tanner | Emily | |
Our Education | Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering | Bachelors Degree in Human Development and Family Studies |
Our Professions | Pilot in the Air Force | Prior Behavior Specialist for children who have experienced early life trauma |
Stay-At-Home | No | Yes, Full-Time |
Our Racial Background | Caucasian | Caucasian |
Some of Tanner & Emily's Favorites | ||
Activity | Sports and Games | Hiking, Paddle boarding, and Swimming |
Food | Hot Wings | Thai food and Sushi |
Music | Christian and Rock | Country |
Sport | Softball | Pickleball |
Holiday | 4th of July | Birthdays! I love to celebrate others! |
Season | Summer | Fall |
Candy | Air Heads | Fast Break |
More About Our Family | ||
Some of our Fun & Games | We enjoy making our mundane everyday tasks fun. For example, we have a sign in our kitchen that says, "our kitchen is for dancing," and we are serious about it! We love to dance in the kitchen with each other and with our kids. A day rarely goes by that we don't blast some music and break out some silly moves with our sons or practice our swing dancing to some country music while waiting for water to boil. We want to create fun, long-lasting memories for our family so that one day, our kids will look back and smile at all the good times we created by just having fun together, we so want our next baby to be a part of those fun times. | |
Our Faith | We both are followers of Jesus Christ and have grown up surrounded by families with faith in Christ. We currently attend a non-denominational church that teaches from the Bible and is centered on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe the Bible to be the word of God. We also believe this because of the love that has been shared with us through other followers of Christ. We are called to love others and live this love out, especially within our family. We want to raise our children in grace and truth so they can experience the same love God already has for them. | |
More About Our Hobbies | We enjoy several outdoor activities. Hiking, paddle boarding, riding bikes, playing at the park, and pickleball are some of our favorites. Growing up in Colorado has made us appreciate being active and enjoying the outdoors. We also enjoy watching TV, playing board/video games, and hanging out as a family. When the weather or life seems to prevent us from going outdoors, we like to relax on the couch with each other and watch a show or movie as a family. We love gathering friends and family together for game nights or for an evening bonfire. | |
What We Look Forward To | Our family looks forward to growing our family through adoption; being able to welcome a child into our home will be such a privilege and something we genuinely cannot wait for. With such love in our hearts and such a supportive community and family around us, we know that the Lord has equipped us for the journey of adoption. We are excited to learn what your child enjoys, what makes them laugh and smile, and how to best support and encourage them. | |
We Prefer a Child Who Is... | ||
Age of Child | Newborn to 2 years old | |
Twins | Yes! | |
Gender | Either! | |
Sibling Group | Yes, with the oldest up to 2 years old | |
In Closing | ||
Thank you for considering us to become your child's future family. We look forward to growing our family through adoption and teaching our children that family is created through love and commitment. We look forward to sharing our love for all things outdoors with your child, including teaching him or her how to swim, ski/snowboard, and enjoy all the little things life offers each day! We would love to keep in touch with you at your comfort level through pictures, letters, and occasional visits. We look forward to getting to know you and your hopes for the future. |