
Meet Tim & Hannah

A video message from Tim & Hannah

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A Letter from Tim & Hannah

Hi! Adoption brought our family together and we’re excited to be in this process to adopt again. We’ve been happily married over 6 years and became parents just over a year ago. Adoption has been on hearts for a long time and we have loved becoming parents this way! Our boys are biological brothers who we adopted as older kids. We’re ready to grow our family and share all that we have with another child. We hope to get to know you and to learn about the life you want for your child.

Our Story

How we met, as told by Tim: I was new to the area and started working at a local school where I became friends with a fellow teacher who invited me to a Super Bowl party. At the party, my friends made a list of single women I should meet. Hannah was on the list and we first met at a game night. A little over a year later we were married!

Together we enjoy:
• Traveling locally, with an occasional trip to a special destination
• Being outdoors, whether it’s camping, sailing, skiing, or time in our backyard
• Going to live concerts (we love country & Christian music!)
• Hosting our family’s annual reunion at our place
• Attending church and volunteering (Tim serves as a Sunday school superintendent and Hannah sings on the worship team!)

About Hannah

Tim says: Hannah is a wonderful, patient wife. She cares for others before herself and is dedicated to her faith and family. Hannah is a loving “mama bear” type of mom who keeps us organized. Before we adopted our sons, Hannah was the lead teacher of the toddler and preschool classrooms at a local college’s child development program. She has a huge heart for children and will do anything for our kids.

Hannah likes:
• Rock hounding (especially on the beach!)
• Beekeeping
• Gardening
• Singing
• Crocheting
• Cooking & baking
• Organizing or hosting events or get-togethers
• Reading

About Tim

Hannah says: Tim is an amazing husband, father, and friend. His heart truly beats for his family. He puts us first in every decision, always with a kind and gentle heart. Tim is a great example for our boys to follow. He’s a gifted teacher who loves helping children grow in their personalities and strengths. Tim also loves to teach others from his skills outside of the classroom.

Tim likes:
• Snow and water skiing
• Sailing
• Construction
• Computers
• Home improvement projects
• Board games
• Helping others

Family Life

We have two sons, Paul and Jonathan, who are 16 and 13. Our boys have been such a blessing in our lives. We talk openly about their journey to us and make sure they know they can talk to us about anything. They know we’re hoping to adopt again and have helped us add to baby items we’ve collected for our future child. Paul and Jonathan will be great big brothers!

Our boys are very active and enjoy playing sports as much as Tim does. They also get into camping, sailing, traveling, concerts, and skiing with us.

As a family we also love:
• Bike rides
• Reading or listening to audio books
• Movies
• Board games
• Sightseeing

Our Home in Washington

We live in a small town in Western Washington. Our neighbors are like family! The schools are smaller with teachers who care about each student, as well as their families. There’s a park and a donut shop within walking distance of our house that we enjoy as a family. We live just two hours from the beach, Seattle and Portland, as well as national parks and monuments.

Our house was built in 1920 so it has a lot of charm! We have four bedrooms and a large, fenced-in yard where we love to host friends and family for barbecues, yard games, fun on the trampoline, and chats around the fire pit. After we adopt we’ll convert one of the bedrooms into a nursery with a woodland theme.

Our Dog: We have an Australian Shepherd, Izzy, who is so gentle and loves children of all ages. She’s such a sweet part of our family!

Our Promise to You

Thank you for considering us as you make plans for your child’s future. We see adoption as a beautiful way to become a family! We promise your child would grow up in a loving Christian home where he or she will know they are cherished. Our backgrounds caring for and teaching children of all ages has given us a lot of experience to lean on as parents. We make sure our children know they can talk with us about anything and that they are encouraged to make the most of their education and talents.

If you’re comfortable, we’d love to have an open relationship with you, sharing updates, photos, phone calls, video chats, and visits as your child grows up. We will be honest with him or her about how we came together because of you and adoption. You will always be an important part of your child’s life and our family. We hope to talk with you and learn about the dreams you have for yourself and your child. To connect with us, please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

Learn More About Tim & Hannah

  Tim Hannah
Our EducationBachelor's DegreeAssociate's Degree
Our ProfessionsFourth Grade School TeacherStay-at-home mom
Our Racial BackgroundCaucasian Caucasian
Some of Tim & Hannah's Favorites
Vacation PlaceLake Quinault, WALincoln City, OR
HobbySailingRock Hounding
DessertSnickerdoodlesLemon Bars
TV ShowMacGyverCall the Midwife
Type of MusicUpbeat Christian or PopChristmas Music
Weekend ActivityConstruction or SkiingBeing on the church worship team
More About Our Family
What Led Us to Adoption

Tim was already a foster parent when we met and Hannah was in the process of becoming a foster parent too. Adoption has been on our hearts for a long time and when we were dating it was clear that we both wanted to care for and raise a family. We aren’t able to have children biologically, so we felt adoption was meant for us all along!

Our Values

We value relationships, honesty, serving others, keeping your word, and hard work. As a couple we find it important to spend quality time with those we love, to work hard and to play hard, and to serve others as well as our local church. We believe that our Christian faith comes first and that it shapes every aspect of our lives.

Our Extended Family

We both come from close-knit families and our parents have each been married for several decades. Tim’s parents live just over an hour from us, and his brothers live in Texas and Oregon. Hannah’s family lives nearby (her brother’s family lives on a farm!). We see our local family regularly and visit out-of-state loved ones as often as possible. We have 8 nephews and nieces, all on Tim’s side. Our loved ones have been supportive of adoption in our lives and are excited to meet the next child who joins our family.

A Few Family Traditions

• Every summer we host a huge family reunion for Tim’s side of the family. We take our power boat to the lake for four days of water sports and camp out in our back yard.
• Hannah’s side enjoys gathering at the family property in Eastern Washington.
• We spend Christmas and Thanksgiving visiting as many family members as possible.

We Prefer a Child Who Is...
Age of Child





Either boy or girl

In Closing

We want you to know how much we would love your child and honor our commitment to raise him or her in a stable home life with opportunities and support to pursue their talents and dreams. You will always hold a special place in our hearts too, and if you'd like to stay in touch, we welcome ongoing contact with you. It would be great to talk and hear what you want your child's adoption plan to look like. We're beyond grateful for this chance to be considered as an adoptive family for your baby. To set up a call or video chat, just ask Lifetime about us! We'd love to hear from you.

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