
If you’re thinking about adopting, each adoption story you read provides insight and encouragement. These adoptive couples’ beautiful testimonies of keeping faith through it all shows trust in the call to grow a family through adopting a baby.
Would you like to learn about how you can adopt a baby or child through Lifetime? Call us at (727) 493-0933 or request adoption information.
Our Cup Overflows!I can’t believe it’s already been 18 months since we received *THE* Phone Call about our precious Louisa Quinn! She is such a precious gift to our family. We are quite literally always in awe of her being our daughter. Our cup overflows! |
Forever Grateful!We had a fantastic experience with Lifetime. The webinars were very helpful. All the staff at Lifetime were so supportive and loving throughout the process. We will be forever grateful! Maya and Matt |
Boys Are Doing Great!I wanted to let you know the boys are doing great! |
Worth the Wait!We’ve been busy, busy, and Ariana and Lena have gotten so big. It’s hard to believe we started our adoption journey six years ago and, thanks to you all, have two beautiful children. We’ll be praying for other Lifetime families and each of their adoption journeys. I know the waiting is not always easy, but it is most definitely worth it. |
Officially Ours!We had Ezekiel’s finalization hearing last Friday, so he is officially ours! Thanks again for everything you and the other Lifetime staff did for us and for his birth family! Ezekiel is 7 months now, and Ezra is 5 years old. They love each other so much; it is so fun to watch their interactions. |
So in LoveHere’s a pic of our sweet boy. We named him Brandon Luke. |
Wild RoadHi Veronica – Wanted to share with you a picture of our Eliana ❤️ |
Loved by So ManyLast month, Jonathan turned ONE! Can you believe it? A year went by so fast. Many people who prayed for him came and celebrated his birthday and what a blessing it was! He is so loved by so many people. We also had a phone call with his birth family on his birthday. He is a full-fledged toddler now, walking everywhere and keeping us pretty busy. It is challenging, but we love watching him explore and learn about the world. And he loves the church. What a blessing he is. He is an everyday reminder of God’s faithfulness and goodness. |
Praying for Her Birth MomHere’s a current pic of our beautiful daughter. Please share with her birth mom and let her know we pray for her regularly. 🙂 |
Finalized and Official!Lifetime would like to congratulate Noel and Sydney on the adoption of their precious boy! |
We are Forever Grateful![]() We just wanted to touch base. We are forever grateful for Lifetime and for you helping us each and every step of the way throughout our adoption. Boston, aka “Boss,” is now four months old and is thriving! He’s been such a blessing in our lives and is true evidence of God’s hand in our lives. |
How Time Has Flown!![]() We thought we’d share a little family update. This is Cole. We adopted him almost three years ago, and wow, how time has flown! |
Very Proud of Him![]() It has been a busy summer! We are enjoying being able to venture out and see family once again. We took a much-needed vacation to Michigan and enjoyed time at the beach. William has been flying airplanes with his dad and enjoying the views from above. We are very proud of him. Our boy is growing, growing, growing!! Still crushing it in baseball and soon to be a force to reckon with on the football field! |
He is Doing Wonderfully!![]() Cruz is doing wonderfully! He is smiling now, and enjoying being outdoors and looking up at the trees and birds. Cruz was recently dedicated in our church, and his birth mom and her children were able to make the drive up to witness it! It was amazing to see them and watch her other children interact with Cruz. We have remained in weekly contact – usually just a text message and a photo. We absolutely love our relationship with her. |
Hugs and Kisses![]() We want to update our Lifetime family about our son, who just turned 4 on Saturday. The best part was the smile on his face when we sang to him. Otávio does well with his video chats with his birth family, and he knows we are his mommy and daddy. |
Pinch Myself Everyday![]() Can you believe that Maddox will be 4 in 2 months? He will be a PreK student next school year. I am a little emotional. Maddox is excited about going to “Mommy’s school”. Maddox amazes us every single day. I pinch myself every day. I cannot believe that he is real! We cannot thank you enough for what you have done for us. |
Can't Get Enough of Her![]() I just wanted to reach out today to let you and the Lifetime team know Xola’s adoption finalized! Xola is doing well and we can’t get enough of her. We are starting to see her personality, and she’s strong-willed, very observant, and content. She’s crawling and into everything! She loves following our dog around. Again, I just want to express my gratitude to you and Lifetime for being the vessel to bring us together. It is undeniable that Xola was meant to be a part of our family. |
A Dream Come True![]() I found a few LOL good photos on my phone. We were matched with his birth mother in September 2000 & Cade was born December 30, 2000. |
Wonderful Miracle![]() Now we understand more clearly why we experienced all we’ve been through, coz it led us to this wonderful miracle. Thank you soooo much for your thoughts and prayers. |
Life With Our Newest Member![]() I can’t believe it has been almost 8 months since we flew out for the birth of our baby boy Nico. We listened to all the webinars retelling stories of parents who received the call that they had matched and immediately had to fly across the country, but never did we think that we would be one of those people! The way little details fell into place at just the right timing continually confirms to me that a greater hand was/is in play for all of this. We had the opportunity to spend time with his birth parents and their families at the hospital, a huge blessing. |
Walking on His Own!![]() Leif is growing a lot. |
We Just Can't Get Enough of Her![]() Grace is growing so quickly (it seems like a few inches each night). She is such a smart and spunky little girl; we just can’t get enough of her. I can’t believe she is almost 2! |
Happy New Year!![]() I wanted to touch base and wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Zachary has been an amazing blessing to our family, and he is doing great. I couldn’t be more thankful for all of you walking the journey with me. |
Extremely Blessed![]() Micah’s adoption was finalized in mid November. Micah is doing very well and has been a very relaxed baby, unless he wants his milk, lol. Here’s a photo of Micah and Jonah (now 3 and a half), our two lifetime babies. They are such a joy and we feel extremely blessed to have these little ones in our life. |
Pure Joy!![]() We had a wonderful Christmas. |
Can You Believe?![]() Can you believe that six years ago today, this guy officially received our last name? Time has flown by and our lives are SO MUCH RICHER with him as part of our family! |
Celebrating His 11th Birthday!![]() Langston celebrated his 11th birthday with his best buds in New York at the show, “Beetlejuice” on Broadway! He began Middle School this fall. He is in Choir and Tech Club. He continues to pursue acting as well. He plays tennis and basketball in the fall, and will most likely play baseball next spring. He continues to be a thoughtful, generous, soulful human with a fantastic sense of humor. Everyday it is a pleasure to parent him. We are grateful every day. |
Such a Precious Little Girl!![]() Summer time is wrapping up. I think of you often but especially in this time of year. We just finished up our first family vacation to Florida. We looked it up and we were a little too far away to come to the Florida office but hopefully in the future we can. This girl of ours lived the water both the ocean and the pool. A beautiful relationship is continuing to grow with our Birth Mom! She and I text several times a month. I’m so excited for what that will mean for Miriam. |
In Love With Their Little One![]() Our Florida office had a very nice visit with a newly adopted family. They are super fun to watch as parents. They are both very hands on and in love with their little one. Sarah is very detailed and keeps track of every little thing on her cell phone from time she sleeps to eating and diapering. Travis is more go with the flow and easy going. |
From that Moment On..![]() Here’s a Lifetime Baby whose story is shared in a recent blog:“His Adoption Was Without a Doubt Part of God’s Plan!” “From that moment on, our lives have been filled with more joy and happiness than I could ever explain. After waiting for years to get the call that we were going to be parents and wondering and questioning why was taking so long and maybe there was something wrong with us when I saw that little boy, I understood. Isaiah just wasn’t here yet.” Thanks for sharing Casey and Johanna! |
The Benefit of Open Adoption![]() Been wanting to share an update on Jonah and his birth mom. I’m still posting photos of him to our private Facebook group and it’s great as she and her mom and grand mother are always responding to photos. We met up for our annual visit this last Memorial weekend. We had such a great time at one of the trampoline parks in Dallas and we have truly become a little blended family. Have a wonderful day. Cheers, Andrea & Adolphus |
She Amazes Us Everyday![]() Wanted to share some photos of our sweet Lauren from a recent vacation to Tahoe. She continues to amaze us every day. She is so kind to, and accepting of, everyone she meets. She is also our little fearless athlete, with a HUGE heart. Her birth mother is coming to visit us in August. We are looking so forward to the reunion as she was busy last summer and unable to make it to visit last year. Thank you, for the hundredth time, for sending me that message about a “birth mom who is interested.” What a beautiful journey! |
So Grateful!![]() Here’s some photos of our little one. We have a shared album on the iPhone and her birth Mom is added to it among our closest friends and family so she gets to see any picture that is added and can upload pictures herself. Her Mom and I have been texting as well – it’s definitely been hardest on her but she’s appreciative of how open we are and all our updates on Leilani’s first night and the doctors visit etc. She is one happy baby and is content unless she’s tired, dirty diaper, or hungry. Our biggest challenge right now is just trying to get her on a routine that’s consistent. Our family is thrilled and Brian is doing great with his daddy duties as babies are VERY new to him (first night he put her to sleep all by himself and the following day he changed his first diaper which of course was a poopy diaper lol). Things are going well and this truly has just been way too easy. Her grandma has told us how thankful she is she found us and we just couldn’t have timed this better. We’re going to California this weekend to see my brothers family and my parents. My 4 year old niece and 2 year old nephew are so excited to see her and FaceTime us everyday just so they can talk to the baby. My niece already picked out a stuffed dog to give her.
Thank you so much for your help! We truly are so grateful and absolutely thrilled!!! MaryAnne and Brian |
An Amazing Exciting Time![]() We are so excited to share with you that Brynlee is now 2! We had a Tea for Two birthday party and Brynlee was surrounded by family and friends. We plan to have dinner with her birth mother this weekend and could not be more excited. We have such an amazing relationship with Brynlee’s birth family and we are so thankful to Lifetime for bringing our families together! Thank you for all you do! -Jesse and Alicia |
Oh Happy Day!![]() Zachary was officially adopted today! He is such an amazing joy and I can’t thank you all enough, but I can’t thank especially you enough for all of your encouragement, support and listening ear. Leanna |
All Our Dreams Came True![]() It’s hard to believe that it has been one year since you called and told us that there was a baby waiting for us. It’s hard to believe that one year ago all of our dreams came true. On May 10, 2018, I had a rough morning. After our failed match the previous January, I was feeling very down in the dumps that Mother’s Day was approaching and I was not a mom yet. After my husband left for work that morning I went into the room that we had started setting up as a nursery back in January. I sat down in the rocking chair and I got a onesie out of the dresser drawer and I placed it on my chest and I started to rock. All I could think of was I should have a baby in my arms right now; I should be a mom this Mother’s Day. I left for work and little did I know that you would call me in a few short hours and tell me I was going to be a mom and my husband was going to be a dad. From that moment on our lives have been filled with more joy and happiness than I could ever explain. After waiting four years to get the call that we were going to be parents and wondering and questioning why it was taking so long and maybe there was something wrong with us, when I saw that little boy, I understood. Isaiah just wasn’t here yet. Now that we have had Isaiah for a whole year, I realize that he has always been with us, even before he was born. He is the most amazing human being that I’ve ever met in my entire life and Casey and I often wonder what we did to deserve him. He’s happy, and fun, and beautiful, and ours. It’s hard to wrap our heads around it sometimes. We text and FaceTime with Isaiah’s birth mom and we are so thankful for her. When we left to come home after getting Isaiah, I was not prepared for having emotions I will be leaving her. The same thing that was bringing me and my husband so much joy was breaking her heart. I cried uncontrollably saying goodbye. She comforted me. I know how much she loves Isaiah and I tell him about her all the time. She is part of our family now and we love her very much. Isaiah‘s birth mom told us that his birthday coincides with Mother’s Day. In the Mexican culture, Mother’s Day is always celebrated on May 10. He is without a doubt the best Mother’s Day gift anyone could’ve ever gotten. He is so joyful and funny. He is always on the go. He’s been walking since he was 10 months old. And now that walking is turning into running. He loves all food. He gets upset if he eats all of his food and there is no more. He loves company and he is so joyful and funny. He is always on the go. He loves colors and soft blankets. He absolutely loves our dog and two cats but they are still a little unsure of him as he’s a loud little thing. 🙂 He absolutely loves his dad. Watching him with Casey has made me even more in love with my husband then I ever thought possible. Truly bursting at the seams with joy.
His adoption was without a doubt part of God’s plan and we are so grateful. All our love, Casey, Johanna and Isaiah |
Easter Tradition![]() We hope you had a blessed Easter! We love to take our annual Easter photos of Katie and the bunny to remind us of the love and care you helped us put into our adoption profile. You wanted us to get a picture of the 3 bunnies (we had at the time) all lined up in a row. We had quite a time getting them to cooperate, but we got the photo! We appreciate you and the Lifetime staff for the love, prayers and support you put into helping bring together our forever Lifetime family! Love, |
The Three Rascals(Cuteness Overload! These three babies are all adopted through Lifetime Adoption) |
The Center of Our World![]() I just wanted to let you know that Leo’s adoption was finalized last month (finally)! Leo is thriving and is really the center of our world. He just turned 17 months old and is picking up new words everyday! He is very active and loves to run, jump, climb, and swim. I can’t imagine life without Leo and just wanted to thank you for all your work to make this happen. Best, |
Steps!![]() Ezra is doing great – he turned 13 months old last week and took his first couple steps the same day! He is healthy and happy and so busy, busy, busy! He brings so much joy and laughter to our family. We are so thankful for all that you at Lifetime did for us and his birth mom, and we’re so thankful for her and our relationship with her too. We share pictures with his birth mom a few times a week on Instagram and have seen her twice in the last year. Thanks again! Kara, Ethan, and Ezra |
Loving, Happy, Funny, Joyous Child!![]() Langston continues to be loving, happy, funny, joyous, and well-adjusted. He is a very good student, though he doesn’t care much for math. He loves to read books and play with Legos. He has a wonderful imagination, loves to sing and dance, and loves to watch movies. He is going to be tall, we think. He is already just shy of 5 feet tall – taller than most of his classmates – and he currently wears the youth size equivalent of my shoes (which he often pulls on to take out the trash – his chore), and my feet are not small – women’s size 9! This past summer – though only 9 years old – he auditioned for – and won – the part of Young Simba, the lead in the musical, The Lion King! He worked incredibly hard, and was rightly very proud of his performance and hard work. This fall, he was nominated for a regional theater award for his excellent work – the only 9 year old on the list! He is a much beloved classmate, friend, and son. I thank God every day for the privilege of parenting this human. Have a very beautiful Christmas. Sincerely, Robin and Val |
Grateful for Lifetime![]() “I am so grateful for Lifetime and Scott and Meredith. – From Bella’s Birth Mom |
Brotherly Love!![]() These two boys are already best buddies. If we can help you or someone you care for, share this link to our free application:
Two Brothers![]() We received a sweet photo of these two boys. Big brother is enjoying his little brother and can’t wait to share his toys as well! Lifetime would like to congratulate adoptive parents Georgio and Kristan from Florida! They just adopted their baby boy, Roman, through Lifetime Adoption! |
Three Lifetime Babies!![]() Here are our three Lifetime babies! |
Big Sis![]() We just wanted to say thank you for the anniversary card and and the baby gift of ‘God Found Us You’. It’s hard to believe that Leif is already 4 weeks old! He is doing great and Carolina loves her new role as a big sister! Here are a few pictures from the last 4 weeks. We spent our ICPC time relaxing, taking small family outings to museums and a waterfall. We also were able to spend time introducing Leif to his extended family! He already has had lots of love from Grandparents, Aunts/Uncles and Cousins. Sally and Jon |
Happy Groundhog Day!![]() Happy Groundhog Day! We always think of you on your favorite holiday! Katie is eight years old now and in second grade. It is hard to believe how fast time is flying by. Katie still enjoys swimming on the swim team, running and riding her bike. She also loves to sing and make up dance routines with her friends. She attends Good News Club one afternoon a week and is part of our younger youth group at church. Katie has been processing a lot of details about her adoption story lately and is beginning to understand how special and unique her story is. We will be eternally grateful for the part you played in helping us match with Katie’s birth mom and forming our forever family! We pray often for you and the rest of the staff at Lifetime! Love, Tricia and Roger |
Look Who is Getting Big![]() Keeton is so smart. Deloretta (and Karl!) |
Can you Believe He is Growing So Fast?![]() Wow! Can you believe Maddox is 7 months old?! He is growing so fast. Maddox is so easy going and smiles nonstop. His favorite TV show is Puppy Dog Pals. He can sit up on his own for a few minutes. He currently rolls all over the place. He has two teeth on the bottom. His Birth Mom and I still text each other a few times a week. I feel like she has become a member of my family. Thank you all for helping our family grow. I cannot picture what life was like before Maddox. Kevin and Tequilla |
A Dream Come True![]() How cute is she? We can’t get enough of her! She’s already 6 yrs old, where has the time gone? So adorable! |
Congratulations!!![]() We are so excited to offer our congratulations to this amazing Georgia adoptive couple Kevin and Tequila! Their adoption of baby Maddox is finalized and this family is official!
If we can help you or someone you care for, share this link to our free application: |
Gratefully in Love![]() I wanted to give a big thank you again from all of us for facilitating our adoption of baby DeAngelo Singh. He is now 5 months old and we all are so gratefully in love with him and ecstatic that the feeling is mutual. Developmentally, he is on or ahead of target, he is bright, strong, expressive, and observably attaching to us all as one would expect of any infant his age. Best of all, our family feels complete. Thank you, thank you, thank you! – Dane and Demitra |
Don't Give Up!![]() We now have this little beauty to complete our family. We’ve had three failed in the past (almost) two years. On Thursday, we got the call that our baby girl was born on Wednesday and flew out that night. We got to meet her on Friday. So in love! – Michael & Joy |
The Cutest Little Braves Fan![]() Can you believe Maddox is 15 weeks old?! I still pinch myself. I cannot believe he is real. |
A Family Brought Together for a Lifetime![]() This morning I recommended Lifetime to an adoption support group I’m a part of on Facebook. As I was writing about your support for birth moms and adoptive families alike, I found myself hoping a member of the Lifetime family would read the impact you’ve had on our lives! |
We Became a Forever Family!![]() We finalized Addie’s adoption last month! It was such a great visit and a really great hearing. The judge was so nice and spoke some really kind and encouraging words to us. We were also able to visit with Addie’s birth mother and met Addie’s birth father and his family. It was simply awesome. We are so blessed! |
Lifetime Made Our Dreams a Reality![]() Wow! We cannot believe that Maddox will be three weeks old on Wednesday. Time is flying by! It seems like he was just born yesterday. |
Adoption Changed Our Lives in Awesome, Exciting, and Powerful Ways!![]() Keenan is doing great! In fact, since we moved to LA he’s told us he wants to be an entertainer, so we put him in glee, musical theater, hip hop and broadway dance. He also started modeling in December and has been shooting for Gymboree. You can see him on the website, in stores and on mailers. |
A Baby is Wonder & Hope![]() “A new baby is like the beginning of all things: wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.” |
Thank You Lifetime for Bringing Us Together!![]() Lorenzo’s adoption finalization was just two days after his third birthday. So that was pretty amazing! Jody’s parents were there and it went very quick. We’ve made great strides with Lorenzo. For a while, I think he was struggling with adjusting due to learning right and wrong behavior. He would have small anger and frustration moments when he didn’t get his way. But he’s fabulous now! He has a toy train set and he loves pretending he’s Thomas the Train. He absolutely loves swimming so going on our boat has been the highlight of the summer so far. Our family members are planning a “welcome to the family/gotcha party” next month. We wanted some more time to bond with Lorenzo before he met the rest of the family. And trust me we’re big! He’s met some but not all. He’s grown about three inches since coming home, so we’ve gone through a few “eating everything in sight” and “sleeping a lot” phases. He’s already outgrowing some of his 4T stuff too. We think he’s definitely going to be a tall boy! We can’t thank you all at Lifetime for being the thread that tied our families together. Lorenzo’s birth mother is an amazing woman and gave us the best gift we could ever ask for. We keep in touch with her quite often and she’s doing great. She’s enrolled in college and almost done with her first term at becoming a nurse. We are so proud of her! We haven’t talked anymore about when a good time would be for Lorenzo to see her again but we will wait for a few more months to pass. It will be great to see her again! Once again thank you so much for everything! -Pete and Jody
Typical Boy!![]() Hi Diane, William is doing very well in first grade. He is right on target for reading and enjoys going to school. He finished up pee wee football in October and has now started winter basketball. He was the first to make a basket during last week’s game. William is a typical 6 year old boy…loves riding his bike and playing with his friends. Sincerely, Bubba and Camisha |
My, How You've Grown!![]() Preparing for Christmas – one of our favorite times of the year. Can you believe how big our little guy is getting? Merry Christmas to our friends at Lifetime! We pray for you, for the precious birth mothers (current and past) and for the waiting families. Love from us… Ryan & Laurie |
Family Matters![]() Hi Libby!! So good to hear from you! Jude is growing SO fast, and is seriously the happiest baby ever! I love sharing our unique experiences, and feel passionate about providing hope to waiting families! So so grateful and proud of our Lifetime family!!! 🙂 And of course I can’t end this without sending some pics! -Steve & Erin |
Wrapped in Love![]() Hello Linda, I attached a few of her professional pictures we received back. Love, Love them. She is our precious, sweet miracle!! Talk to you soon. Sheila & Cliff |
Love Times Two![]() Congratulations David & Amanda! Love, The Lifetime Staff |
And Baby Makes Three...![]() Hi Veronica, We are so thankful to have found Lifetime! After working with several agencies with no success, we have finally been blessed with a son, and our lives have been changed forever! We would like to thank all of the staff for their dedication and support in helping us become a family. –Lisa & Daniel |
A Double Blessing![]() Hi Linda, We’re planning a birthday party for the twins, but it won’t be until January because of everyone’s work schedules right now (holidays). We had a little party for them on Tuesday. I will forward a pic once I have the boss’s (Retta) seal of approval on one that looks nice…lol. Rayne and JD are such an absolute blessing, and we thank God for them every day! And we appreciate so much all of your help in bringing us together! –Matt & Retta & Rayne & JD |
A Daughter is Love![]() Dear Veronica, We are not quite sure where the time has gone as our princess is turning 6 today and just lost her first tooth! Katie is really enjoying hearing all of the details of the day we got “the call” and her very special birth story! She loves Kindergarten, her teacher, playing with her friends and reading. She has read over 100 books so far this school year! She is really loving art class and has been drawing every chance she gets! She even had 4 of her paintings displayed in the school art show recently. She also enjoys singing and acting and will again be in our Christmas program at church. Katie is also turning into our little athlete! She continues to swim on the swim team and runs 5Ks and has recently taken up ice skating lessons. She has also learned to ride her bike this year and rides up to 8 miles at a time. We have also enjoyed traveling to several states this year to visit family and friends. Thank you again, Veronica and the Lifetime Staff, for everything you did to help us create our forever family. We will be eternally grateful for all of the love and support you have provided us and Katie’s Birth Mom. We continue to pray for each of you, the Birth Moms and Adoptive families and that God will continue to bless your ministry! Love, Tricia and Roger |
One Big Happy Family![]() Lifetime received such a sweet picture update from on of our families! We are so happy for you John, Melissa and family! |
I Grew in Mommy's Heart![]() I cannot believe its been 1 year since I was matched. I remember everything about that morning, including calling you back at 10:10 am ET and saying yes. Lindsay turns 1 in a few short weeks. She has been a constant joy and entertainment. I would not trade a moment of our time together (even the teething, she has 8). She is my Lovey. As I celebrate her year of firsts, I wanted you to know I have not once forgotten about Lifetime or you and the gift you have given me. You and Lifetime are in the business of making dreams come true. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am so blessed to call myself Lindsay’s mom. Love and blessings, Cynthia |
Wrapped in Love![]() Hi Libby, Anthony is almost four months. He is growing so fast. He is a beautiful baby and we love him so much! I can’t believe time has gone by so fast. 🙂
Juan & Maricela |
Sweet Girl![]() Here is our lil pumpkin!! Things are going well with our birth mother too. She calls or texts ~once a month or so and we send her pictures etc. She has been very sweet with us and we are hoping she will come for Ryanne’s first birthday party….. 🙂 Adam & Tess |
Our Two Lifetime Boys![]() We are having a great summer! Isaac turned 7 and Julian is 2 1/2 going on 5! Our two Lifetime boys are super active, super smart and super sweet! Thank you so much Team Lifetime for bringing us together!
We just got back from visiting Grandma and both boys caught their first fish! We had a great time touring around NE and hanging out with family.
It’s time to get ready for back to school so Isaac will return to the German Immersion school where he will be a second grader. Time sure flies, it seems like only last week we held our tiny bundle for the first time!
Julian is a VERY active little engineer, always taking things apart and putting them back together, making sure he knows how everything works!
God bless our boys’ birthmothers and bless Team Lifetime for bring our family together. I can’t imagine life without you all.
For families still waiting to adopt, Isaac came to us under six months into our contract, Julian came at 23 1/2 months. It’s in God’s hands and completely worth the wait! Bless you all!
Lyn and Michael |
Little Love Bug![]() Hi Diane! We wanted to share a couple of photos from Rebecca’s visit this month. It’s been one year since she last saw Lauren, and we had a great visit with her! In the first Photo, Lauren is “reading” “Tell Me Again About the Night I Was Born” to Rebecca. In the 2nd one, Lauren is showing Rebecca her back yard play skills. We are so fortunate to have Rebecca in our lives, and will have lots of pictures for Lauren’s memory books that she can treasure someday when she better understands her story. Rex & Polly |
Bundle of Joy!![]() We are so happy with our bundle of joy! He is growing so fast. 🙂 Attached is a newborn picture and another one I took today with his Halloween costume. He is our beautiful baby boy! We love him so much. 🙂 |
Sister, Sister![]() Hi Diane, I just wanted to let you know that our adoption was finalized last week! Thank you and everyone at Lifetime for making our dreams come true! Again, thank you Diane for being so supporting, especially during the first few weeks. May God bless you all! Omar & Marci
Love at First Sight![]() Hi Amy, Thank you and thank everyone at Lifetime for us! Our family is now complete and we are very happy! We love Anthony soooooo much. Juan and Maricela |
Busy Boy!![]() Here are the recent pics of Little Luke as promised. He is already 13 months, walking, running and keeping me very busy! He is a total joy to be around. 🙂 -Lisa |
Update from Garrick & Brenda!![]() Hello! Here is a picture of our family from my brother’s wedding this last weekend. Jamal will be 4 months old soon, and he started sleeping through the night last week (YEAH!). He is such a happy and healthy baby. Thank you again for the important parts that you have played in helping us come together as a family. |
We Love Being Parents!![]() Hope all is well and you’re enjoying this beautiful weather! We’re happy to report that Ryan is doing well and growing like a weed! I’ve attached one of his latest pictures. He’s such a great baby! |
Our Christmas Blessing!![]() We are happy to announce our amazing addition – a healthy baby boy! He is so cute and such a happy baby; he smiles all the time. We are absolutely thrilled as we start our life as a new family. Jessica is excited about her baby brother and |
A Huge Thank You!![]() A huge thank you to our coordinator and all at Lifetime who helped make our dream a reality. |
Our Dream Come True![]() Hello Linda, We can’t thank you guys enough for all the joy and blessing you have bought us. We just can’t stop singing your praise of how professional and helpful Lifetime has been in making this a smooth and enjoyable experience. I know we have referred Lifetime to several families that have expressed interest in adopting.
Our little princess was born in December and this is absolutely the most precious blessing anyone could pray or wish for, she has brought so much joy into our life. Best regards, Charles, Rosa and baby Chase Rose |